Saturday, October 16, 2010


I had an interesting conversation the other day with someone about this blog . . . (I know . . . I know . . . blogging about blogging is inane. . . but I have a point I want to make, so hear me out, please). This person is someone I love dearly and have enormous respect for . . . and when the person asked me a question about where to find something, I answered "I think there is a link on my blog" . . . to which the response was "Oh, I don't read your blog anymore . . . It is boring" . . .

LOL . . .

It didn't hurt my feelings . . . Actually it made me laugh . . . I mean, isn't blogging essentially self absorbed . . . just by the nature of the beast? On a recent Criminal Minds (well . . . maybe not recent . . . I mostly watch old reruns . . . but on one I watched for the first time recently) they were investigating a serial killer who targeted women off of 'social networking sites' . . . and so on the plane trip over, the team members were discussing the phenomenon of social networking sites, and one character is looking at a screen shot and says "eating a muffin . . . YUM!" . . . "boss wants me to work late tonight . . . GGRRRR" . . . He then turns to the other team members in disbelief and says "who on earth WRITES this stuff?!?!?? Do they really think that ANYBODY wants to READ it or CARES?!??" (or words to that effect).

I hope this doesn't hurt anybody's feelings, but I think MySpace and even Facebook are stupid. Yes, I have a facebook account . . . and yes, I even occasionally post things there (though I mostly just respond to what other people post . . . and I don't even do that very much) . . . Twitter seems BEYOND stupid to me . . . Though I fully accept that my dismissal of them doesn't stop other people from loving them all . . .

However, the premise that every thought that fleetingly flits through my mind is important enough to post for the entire universe IS an interesting one . . . and by 'interesting' I mean incredibly narcissistic and self absorbed . . . LOL . . .I fully acknowledge that *I* am simply not that fascinating . . . I completely understand and accept that . . .

I am no wiser or more insightful than anybody else . . .

I am not endlessly entertaining . . .

Mea culpa . . .

I AM boring . . .

And having that pointed out to me by someone whose judgment I respect was kind of a relief . . . because it takes that last little bit of performance pressure off of me . . .

This IS essentially for ME . . .

I LIKE to write . . . I NEED to write . . . and for me, writing things down is a very good, very helpful way for me to process what I am thinking and feeling and experiencing . . .

And being told that I am boring is very freeing . . . because NOW I no longer have to wonder and worry if I AM . . . because . . . well . . . I AM . . . .

And knowing that is not fatal . . . It is not even embarrassing . . . It just . . . well . . . IS . . .

And now that I can cast aside my concerns about being (and internal pressure to BE) entertaining and insightful, I think I will like blogging even more . . .

My name is Sue, and I am a boring blogger . . .


1 comment:

  1. Lol.

    I have to agree foremost with the pointlessness of facebooking. I think my experience on facebook makes me question the point of most social situations overall (I can honestly say I am relieved most socializing isn't like facebook chatter - otherwise I might just give up).

    Apparently I like boring though. I like to read your blog (I don't always read it all - but I do read quite a bit), but sometimes it is fun just to watch another persons brain work.

    Besides, I think you are right. This blog should be for you, in fact, for anyone who writes (at least in most settings) the person should be writing for themselves. That's not an excuse to be selfish, but if someone doesn't want to write, or is writing trying to teach everyone /else/ something - I think they are missing the point about what /they/ need to learn. Look! Your blog randomly brought an insight to my own writing! ;D

    But your blog, think of it like a journal. Not everything you write is going to be significant to EVERYONE, but at the same time, it also lets us see into you and you to also really think about different insights you've had. Just because people might think your blog is 'boring' doesn't mean you are. If you think about it, there are about a trillion thoughts that go through a person's mind a day. There is probably a reason we can't share it all, and the only reason I can imagine blogs are 'boring' is because there is just so much of those thoughts, and, honestly, for people who aren't thinking those thoughts, hearing another persons train of thought can make it a little hard to focus. At the same time though, different people will understand what you are writing, just little bits here and there, and get insights.

    And now /I/ am digressing and writing my thoughts! Woops! Hopefully you get what I mean though. : )

    And I know this is random, but I love the little picture attachments you do. If you noticed, I started copying you on my blog (I think blog and boring look similar - which is probably why blogs were named such. I still enjoy them though!).
