Thursday, November 4, 2010


I have no idea who the woman in the photo is -- but I liked the picture, and it kind of captured my mood.

I am SO jazzed . . .

I am on day four of this thirty day marathon and I have already written just over 10,000 words. I am a FIFTH of the way to home stretch!!!

It was intimidating to start NaNoWriMo with a COMPLETELY blank slate . . . no story ideas, no characters, absolutely ZIP . . . but I was determined to give this stretchy exercise my best shot anyways, and somehow it IS coming together as a story.

I mean, I freely admit it might be sheer rubbish, (and probably IS, at this point) but I am having the time of my life working on it . . . I just sneak away for little snippets of time which often turn into hours and hours. The process is very energizing, and definitely adds a delightful sparkle to life. Kind of like having a secret lover, I suppose, only without any of the soul searing deceit and awful lies.

THIS 'adventure' I can share WITH my husband . . . and he is cheering me on. I suppose he is a little baffled as to just what the appeal of this is, but he is being VERY supportive, even when I wake him up in the middle of the night to announce my latest word count or some plot twist that JUST occurred to me . . .

This is, indeed, a VERY patient man! Thank you, honey!!! =o)


  1. I am SO glad you are enjoying it so much!!! And, that picture reminds me a lot of my "happy dance" :)



    Lol - but very happy for you at the same time. Man! I just want to sit down and write and write and write and have a goal like that for a sheer month and see what comes out!

    But, alas, I must attend to my studies - so, I will have you be the one in my place and cheer you on and one day hope to be their achieving it as well. : ) It's like your my hero!

    You can do it!
