Sunday, March 28, 2010


I am not really one that likes surprises . . .

Oh, I like to THINK of myself as spontaneous, but honestly . . . I am probably not . . .

Oh, I have learned to roll with the punches . . . Life teaches all of us that, sooner or later . . . There are simply too many twists and turns to this journey we call mortality . . .

Planning is IMPORTANT . . .

Preparations are IMPORTANT . . .

But . . . the simple truth is that no matter HOW carefully one plans . . . and HOW thoroughly one prepares . . . there are always always ALWAYS going to be surprises . . .

Money problems . . .

Health issues . . .

Trials in the lives of loved ones (and the more people you truly love, the more vulnerable you are to this one) . . .

Accidents . . .

Ups and downs in the economy . . .

Doors slamming shut on hoped for opportunities or on cherished, comfortable routines . . .

New doors opening that are scary and definitely NOT what was planned for the agenda . . .

SIGH . . .

I SHOULD have learned this more thoroughly by now . . .

Instead, here I am wanting to curl up and cry, gazing at a door that is shutting quite emphatically in my face . . .

Where is my sense of adventure?

Where is my faith that things will work out . . . eventually . . . ?

Where is my memory of the backlog of VAST experiences that MANY of the things that looked like 'the worst thing that could happen' when first viewed became, ultimately, some of my most cherished opportunities?!??

SIGH . . .

Sometimes I think I will NEVER die, because I am SUCH a SSSLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOWWWWWW learner . . . at least at LIFE . . . where it matters most of all . . .


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