Thursday, July 16, 2009


I have been TRYING to think of things to write about . . . because I know they always say if you want to write or like to write, you should write SOMETHING every single day . . . and I have missed quite a few days lately . . .

I have sat down, all ready and determined to write . . . and blah, blah, blah . . . I cannot think of ANYTHING worth saying . . . I mean, I know that blogging doesn't HAVE to be 'about' anything . . . there is no word length requirement or insightfulness level that must be reached . . . so you would THINK that there would be no pressure at all . . . but since I enjoy writing . . . love words, the pressure is there to say something that represents ME somehow . . .

LOL . . .

So, I suppose I must face the fact that *I* am filled with banal drivel and nothingness . . . which, theoretically should remove the last of any imagined pressure I have been feeling to blog RIGHT . . . or at least WELL . . . whatever that means . . .

This has been a weird summer . . . unexpectedly sad and difficult . . . stretchy in ways I did not anticipate. I was hanging on by my fingernails the last few weeks of the semester, SO stressed and SO worn down . . . I really was looking forward to a few months of kicking back and recharging my batteries and just doing FUN projects , just because I WANTED to . . .

HMMMMMMM . . . so far I have done a little cleaning . . . a little organizing . . . a little dejunking . . . but I really have not done ANY of the fun, creative projects I had planned on . . . partly because life intervened . . . partly because I just sort of had the wind knocked out of me, and lost my momentum . . .

Oh, summer isn't over yet, and my priorities shifted a little (which is perfectly acceptable and always necessitates a shuffling of plans). I have had the opportunity to participate in potty training an adorable little toddler that I love dearly . . . so, I can't say I haven't accomplished ANYTHING . . . Going for walks to look for bugs . . . cuddling while we watched Madagascar or Cars for the bazillioneth time . . . Giggling hysterically over books about froggies and ballerinas and other fun stuff . . . and just being silly . . . "I love YOU" . . . "NO no no no no . . . *I* love *YOU*" . . . over and over again . . .

Those things are important, too . . . Actually those kinds of things are probably FAR more important than finishing the mural on the castle room wall or painting or rearranging pictures on walls . . . Those can be done another time . . . The time frame where this little guy will be so content to hang out with Gramma and be SO delighted with my silly sense of humor, is way too brief . . .

Ditto for time spent visiting the people I love . . . Yeah, gas is expensive . . . yeah, it is difficult to give up an entire weekend . . . Yeah, I would rather sleep in my own bed . . . But I would gladly give up everything I have to spend another weekend with my mom . . . to hear her voice . . . to listen to her words of wisdom making sense out of everything . . . to just HUG her again . . . and that possibility has passed . . . So I intend to cherish EVERY opportunity I have to spend precious time with loved ones . . . There is NO possession or opportunity that would trump that . . . at least for ME . . .

Family comes first . . .

I love you guys . . . and I hope you know that . . .

1 comment:

  1. This summer has definitely been different. haha I've done a lot of thinking about priorities and spending time with family is DEFINITELY on top of my list! I love that we've been able to see you guys almost every weekend for a month! It's been great spending time with Mark also. I love being able to watch Alex and Mark just play and have FUN together. Makes me excited to see Alex and Gabriel in a few years together. And we'll be seeing more family next weekend too! I love visitors!!
