Monday, February 8, 2010


OK, it is a teensy bit funny that right after I decided I was going to be better about blogging that I stopped blogging entirely . . . LOL . . .

. . .

Not sure exactly what happened . . . But I don't feel TOO badly about being such a slacker . . . I guess I ran out of things to say or maybe my frenzy of deep Spring cleaning has kept me both much busier AND with less to blog about. Let's face it . . . rhapsodizing about vacuuming and dejunking and throwing out BUNCHES of stuff is not really all that interesting . . . although I DID come across an uncashed check for $132,ooo (dated a few years ago -- so no longer valid) in one stack of 'important' papers . . . Maybe I should frame that . . . hmmmmm . . .

Winter semester is winding down . . . Wednesday is my last day of work until Spring semester, and I am planning to put the week and a half I will have off to good use. HMMMM . . . or else maybe I will just stay in my jammies all day and watch movies and eat bon bons . . . LOL . . . one of those two . . . ;o)

It is interesting at how HARD it was to let my registration date for Spring semester slide by . . . I have priority registration even though I am done at this college, and it KILLED me to not register for even ONE class . . . That has been my life for so long . . . I have worked hard and done really well, and it has been a very satisfyingly stretchy adventure, but I AM definitely ready for a break. Still . . . MAN was it ever hard to let that registration day slip by me . . . I kept thinking . . . well maybe an online class . . . or maybe I should go back to just taking classes that interested me like I did for so many years . . . or maybe . . .

Once I let the day pass (lol . . . by sitting on my hands so I couldn't mark up the class schedule or call or register online) I was fine . . . but it was VERY hard to allow it to slip by me . . . Surprisingly hard . . . HMMMM . . . is it possible to be addicted to school?

Luckily I still have my work to keep me occupied and busy and plenty of new books to read (THANK YOU, Santa!!!) . . . and of course, my deep cleaning/dejunking project that is consuming me at the moment. With all that is going on in my life right now, I know (and already carefully and prayerfully decided) that this was time for a break . . . but I was surprised at HOW hard it was to let that day pass by . . .

I must say it is FUN to have time to read for sheer pleasure . . . For so many years, most of my reading was required textbooks . . . I still read for pleasure on occasion, but it was hard to fit it in around the edges of my school studying and deadlines for projects, etc . . . so being able to read in this leisurely, relaxed manner again seems absolutely heavenly . . .

OK . . . don't want to strain and blogging muscles here . . . I just may need to ease back into this in little baby steps . . . so this is enough for now . . . Hope all is well in your worlds . . . =o)


  1. What books are you reading? I am reading the Shannon Hale series. Simple, easy read, but I have enjoyed her books.


  2. I am currently finishing up The Scarpetta Factor . . . the latest in the series about Kay Scarpetta, a medical examiner . . . I have REALLY loved this series, from start to finish . . .

    Another series I LOVED loved LOVED . . . was the Anna Pigeon series by Nevada Barr . . . Anna is a ranger at different National Parks (each books takes place in a different one) and there is tons of info about the park itself written into a really engaging story . . . The funny thing is, that on the parks I have been to, I can RECOGNIZE the park from her detailed descriptions . . . She is an INCREDIBLY masterful wordmeister . . . I LOVE her books . . . and I love her spunky, middle aged heroine, as well . . . I would SO love to have her for a friend . . .

    I have never heard of Shannon Hale, but when I finish this book (and a book I need to read for a book club) I will look for them . . . Thanks for the suggestion! =o)
