Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I guess since 'the big bang' is what began the universe (depending, of course, on who you talk to) I will name my very first blog here "THE BIG BANG" since it will be (presumably) the start of my blogger universe . . .

I have a couple of reasons for doing this . . . First of all, several of my extended family members have blogs, and I really enjoy reading them and leaving comments, when I have time. Secondly, I love to write . . . period, so I am hoping that this becomes an enjoyable outlet for me to share my thoughts and experiences. Thirdly, (and I freely admit that perhaps nobody will find this interesting enough to read) it is an attempt for me to let my extended family get to know me outside the boxes of 'mom' and 'gramma' and 'aunt' and 'sister' and 'wife'. . . if they care to.

Life is busy and stressful . . . I am often swamped with school (and returning to finish a degree when you are older IS stressful and difficult) and the juggling of priorities is tricky and less clear cut, perhaps, than at other times in my life . . . but I am intrigued with the idea of attempting to chronicle my journey . . . even if it is only of interest to ME . . .

I guess that is enough for a first post . . .


  1. I look forward to getting to know you better Sue! (o: It will be fun! And for the record, if you talk about us, you are free to use our real names! (o:

  2. oooh, not me, I want a code name that rotates depending on what phase the moon is in!

    I am excited for you to have a blog too, fun stuff! Now I can't tell you anything else though, because I need to go write a long-overdue letter to you ;o)
